Saturday, September 06, 2008

Fiddlehead Contest Deadline Approaches

The Fiddlehead, Atlantic Canada's International Literary Magazine, invites entries to its 18th annual contests in short fiction and poetry. First prize: $1000 in each category. Entry fee: $30 (includes subscription). Deadline: December 1, 2008.

General: No simultaneous submissions and no previously published (or accepted for publication) submissions. Do not include a SASE. Manuscripts will not be returned. No faxed or emailed submissions are allowed. The winning entries will be published in the Spring 2009 issue of The Fiddlehead (No. 239) and on our web site. The winning authors will be paid for publication in addition to their prizes.

Vetting is blind. Do not put your name and address on your manuscript. Instead include a cover page with the title(s) of your submission, which genre (short fiction or poetry), and your name and address, phone number, and email address.

One Fiction Entry is one story of up to 25 double-spaced pages.

One Poetry Entry is up to 3 poems with no more than 100 lines per poem

You may enter multiple times, but only your first entry in each category will be eligible for a subscription.

Full contest details, click here.

For Further Information email us at:

Send Entries to:

The Fiddlehead Contest
Campus House,
11 Garland Court
UNB PO Box 4400
Fredericton NB
E3B 5A3 Canada



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