Side by Side Festival*
of Literary Translation
Festival Côte à Côte,*
festival de traduction littéraire
5th edition 2007 5e édition
Langues en danger /
Indigenous and Endangered Languages
Fredericton & Moncton NB
29/09 – 03/10 2007
29 Sept 2007
13h30 – 15h30 / 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Lado a Lado
Side by Side Spanish Day
Nela Rio
Fredericton Public Library
30 Sept 2007
Journée mondiale de la traduction
Fête de Saint Jérôme, patron des traducteurs
International Translation Day
11h00–15h00 /11:00 am –3:00 pm
Brunch & Salon Chez Rose
Hommage à Robert Dickson
Atelier Côte à Côte / Workshop
Rose Després, Jean Babineau, Dyane Léger,
JR Léveillé, Jo-Anne Elder
62, rue Curry Street, Moncton
Ouvert au public / Open to all
01 Oct 2007
14h30 – 15h20
Atelier : traduction littéraire
Jo-Anne Elder
FREN3326, EC G14,
Edmund Casey Hall
St. Thomas University, Fredericton
Ouvert au public
02 Oct 2007
7:30–8:00 am
Aboriginal Sunrise Ceremony
Gwen Bear and Carlos Gomes
Grounds of Old Government House
08h00–10h00 / 8:00 – 10:00 am
Lecture Côte à Côte / Side by Side Reading
Gwen Bear
Jean Babineau
Joe Blades
Dyane Léger
JR Léveillé
Ancienne Résidence du Gouverneur /
Old Government House
51, chemin Woodstock Road, Fredericton
Please RSVP for this event:
11h00–16h00 / 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Refreshments available from 11 to 4 in ECH 2nd floor
/ Collation disponible, Salon, ECH
11h30 –12h50 / 11:30am – 12:50 pm
Atelier : Traduction en direct
Workshop: Translation Live!
During this speed-art translation sweatshop, open to the public,
participants transform a short text into another medium or another language.
Joe Blades,
JR Léveillé,
Elisabet Rafòls
Ted Daigle Auditorium
Edmund Casey Hall, St. Thomas Univ.
Free and open, and even fun!
13h00–14h20 / 1:00 – 2:20 pm
Atelier de création littéraire (en français) :
Jean Babineau, JR Léveillé
ECH 223, STU
Ouvert au public francophone ou francophile
16h00–17h20 / 4:00 – 5:20pm
Table ronde :
Création, traduction et survie des langues
Round table : Creation, Translation and Survival
Moderator : Dr. Roger Moore
Mark Abley, Gwen Bear, Rose Després, Carlos Gomes, Elisabet Rafòls, Nela Rio
2nd floor / Salon, ECH, STU
Free, and Open to the Public.
19h00–20h00 / 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Tune in to CSHR for a Radio Interview.
Joe Blades will be talking to poet, creative non-fiction writer
and journalist, Mark Abley, about his writing and
his ideas on the survival of endangered languages.
03 Oct 2007
9:30 – 11:30am
Atelier / Workshop : Poésie / Poetry
Fredericton tbd
14h30–15h20 / 2:30 – 3:20 pm
Between Languages
Workshop / Discussion: Joe Blades
Free and open to the public / Ouvert au public
Salle EC G14, Edmund Casey Hall
St. Thomas University, Fredericton
19h00–21h00 / 7:00 – 9:00pm
Multilingual Reading and Poster Presentation
Mark Abley, Joe Blades, Roger Moore, Nela Rio, Jo-Anne Elder
et d’autres...
Open Mic. Reading
Charlotte St. Arts Centre,
732 Charlotte Street, Fredericton
Send in your poem! See Open Call
Side by Side Festival Côte à Côte 2007*
*Pour avoir des explications sur le nom de notre festival,
veuillez consultez le chapitre « historique » sur notre Weblogue.
*To find out more about our history and our name, check out
our Blog.
For more information / Pour de plus amples renseignements
or/ou Jo-Anne 455-0413
Nous remercions / Our thanks to:
The Canada Council for the Arts
The Province of New Brunswick,
Wellness, Culture and Sports (Arts Development)
The Hon. Herménégilde Chiasson, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick,
président d’honneur du festival
St. Thomas University
commanditaire de la table ronde sur la traduction et la survie des langues
sponsors of the round table on creation, translation and survival
The New Brunswick Latino Association
The Fredericton Public Library
et nos bénévoles / and our volunteers!
Labels: festivals